This week we conclude our Rocky re-watch with the recent franchise reboots Creed and Creed II. Michael B. Jordan? More like Michael B. Watchin' These Movies!
This week we conclude our Rocky re-watch with the recent franchise reboots Creed and Creed II. Michael B. Jordan? More like Michael B. Watchin' These Movies!
On this installment of our ongoing saga, we flash forward to the futuristic year of 2006 to watch Rocky as you've never seen him before: sad and old.
On this episode of our on-going Rocky rewatch we encounter the much maligned Rocky V. We discuss all of our favorite characters (none of which are named Rocky), accounting scams and why Mickey loves ya.
Our watch through of the Rocky film saga continues with the biggest film of the franchise: Rocky IV. We've got romantic robots, Rocky ending the Cold War, and more montages than we can handle!
As we continue through the saga of America's favorite fictional boxer, we visit 1982's Rocky III. We discuss the man who pities the fools, the art of the movie montage and how we would train if we were Rocky.